Monday, December 3, 2012

Two-Point Perspective Name

This is probably the worst project I've ever done and it was quite difficult and confusing at first. I feel like my intentions were good when starting the project but it somehow got screwed up towards the middle. My first name looks good but once i got to the K's and the E, it all sort of went downhill. If I were to redo this project, I would spend more time on the outline of the letters because I learned that if the letters themselves don't look right, then once you make them "thick" it won't look any better. The hardest part of this project was making them thick. I got a little confused on some of the weird letters like M, E, and K of what corner to take to which vanishing point.

The Halls of Success

I REALLY enjoyed this project! I was certain that this would be the beginning of a great perspective drawing experience! I feel that this hallway was a very good first attempt with perspective drawing. The overall feel of this actually being a hallway worked very well. However, the bricks got progressively harder as I got closer to the back of the hallway. If I were to redo this project I may have started doing the bricks first so that at the end, I wouldn't have to go over all of the cases/pictures on the wall. The most difficult part of this project was definitely the far end of the hallway and also making the brick vertical lines straight and not slanted like the horizontal ones. I learned that when doing vertical lines in perspective drawing, it is crucial to make sure they are straight in order to achieve the look I want!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Mr. Polar Bear Man

I absolutely LOVED this project!!!! I feel like it didn't turn out exactly what it was supposed to but it still looks like a "person". The shape of his face worked very well but his facial features did not come together quite how they were supposed to. He kind of ended up looking like a bear rather than a human. I would have practiced on his face, mainly his chin and mouth, to make them look more human and less like an animal. The most difficult part was coloring because it took forever! I learned that it is difficult to draw human faces, not head or body, but facial expressions.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Still Life Project

First, I was very excited to draw this. That feeling soon went out the window. Drawing wasn't that bad but when it came to shading, I found myself becoming progressively lazy. Starting at the top it was looking quite good but when I was doing my final touches, it started to go downhill.

I feel as though the figures themselves look good but after the shading got in there, the drawing became confusing. If I were to re-do this project, I would definitely spend more time on the shading and a little less time being a perfectionist on the gesture drawings. The most difficult part during this project was being patient. I learned to take my time while being patient in the process.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Take A Sip Out of Life

My overall thought on this project was that the crushed can would ultimately be much harder than the "formed can." However, the outcome was complete opposite of my predictions. With the crushed popcan, it is very hard to tell if there were mistakes. Where in the structurally correct can, it is clear where mistakes were made.

I feel that this project could've been better but for my first project, it's not bad. The design of the label on the can turned out pretty good, which is suprising because I though that would be the hardest part. But the structural form of the can is a little less than realistic. If I were to do this project over, I would've made the outside of the can more symmetrical because that was the most difficult part. I learned that when drawing, it doesn't need to be perfection does not exist. But if you put in enough effort, it will get better :)